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Detalles del producto

:sparkles: A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.

Powered By Jiajian Chan

A flexible, highly available district selector for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.

V - Distpicker

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Documents and Demo

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Vue 2

npm install v-distpicker@^1.3.3 --save

Vue 3

npm install v-distpicker@^2.1.0 --save


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/v-distpicker@version/dist/v-distpicker.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/v-distpicker@version/dist/v-distpicker.js"></script>


Register component

Registe global component:

import VDistpicker from 'v-distpicker'
const app = createApp(App)
app.component('v-distpicker', VDistpicker)

Use setup-api:

<script setup>import VDistpicker from 'v-distpicker'</script>

Registe component:

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import VDistpicker from 'v-distpicker'

export default defineComponent({
  components: { VDistpicker },

How to use



Default Value:

<v-distpicker province="广东省" city="广州市" area="海珠区"></v-distpicker>


<v-distpicker type="mobile"></v-distpicker>



<script setup>
import VDistpicker from 'v-distpicker'
let select = reactive({ province: '', city: '', area: '' })
function onSelect(data) {
function onChange(data) {
function selectProvince({ code, value }) {
  select.province = value
  console.log({ code, value })
function selectCity({ code, value }) {
  select.city = value
  console.log({ code, value })
function selectArea({ code, value }) {
  select.area = value
  console.log({ code, value })


Name Type Description Default Sample
province String/Number 省级编码或名称 '广东省'/440000/'440000'
city String/Number 市级编码或名称 '广州市'/440100/'440100'
area String/Number 区级编码或名称 '海珠区'/440105/'440105'
placeholder Object 默认显示的值 {province:'省',city:'市',area:'区'}
type String 区分 pc 和 mobile,默认 pc
only-province Boolean 只显示省级选择器 false
hide-area Boolean 隐藏区级 false
disabled Boolean 禁用 false
province-disabled Boolean 禁用省 false
city-disabled Boolean 禁用市 false
area-disabled Boolean 禁用区 false
province-source Object 省数据源 examples/components/data
city-source Object 市级数据源
address-source Object 区级数据源
wrapper String className 'distpicker-address-wrapper'
address-header String className(mobile) 'address-header'
address-container String className(mobile) 'address-container'


Name Type Description Return
province Function 选择省时触发 {code,value}
city Function 选择市时触发 {code,value}
area Function 选择区时触发 {code,value}
selected Function 选择最后一项时触发 {province:{code,value},city:{code,value},area:{code,value} }
change-province Function 省级改变时触发 {code,value}
change-city Function 市级改变时触发 {code,value}
change-area Function 区级改变时触发 {code,value}
change Function 省市区改变时触发 {province:{code,value},city:{code,value},area:{code,value} }




The plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


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